They tell us it is not polite to discuss religion, politics, or money. So let's start with religion. Here's a great website for those who like intellectual discussion: http://www.peterkreeft.com/. Only remember that it is essential that our priorities lay in experiencing God over merely knowing facts about Him. Here's a thought to start with: how can an ordinary person choose, on their own, the truth through all that the world offers amidst conflicting beliefs, doctrines, rules and regulations, churches, temples, holy books, etc? Definitely a relevant question. The truth is all religions have good in them- otherwise we wouldn't believe in them. The way I see it there are really only two choices before us. One, we can choose to save ourselves through following a religion of our choosing. Follow it's teachings wholeheartedly and believe you are on the right path toward whatever your final hope. Two, you can choose to have a saviour. In choosing a saviour you put all your hope for salvation/betterment/enlightenment in him. That said, only Christianity offers a saviour. All other world religions offer us set principles and ethics to follow for ourselves. Either of the two choices we choose require faith. So we can put our faith in a do-it-yourself religion or in a saviour-religion. Also, I think there is no neutral ground in this thought. For to disregard both choices is to fall into the do-it-yourself category, where you still need faith to believe that neither choices relate to you and your life. Essentially, you create a little religion of your own. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Well put brother! I'm lighting the old fag now.